’Global Warming Misconceptions - View the table of contents!

Governments this year have ramped up their global warming propaganda, but in truth, just how certain is global warming. In the process of preparing a consulting report, we undertook some research and were startled by government policy. We will show that the propaganda being financed by government is shamelessly creating hysteria for the sake of political expediency.

Global Warming Misconceptions - Download the table of contents or buy this report at our online store for just $US9.95.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Impact of methane on climate change a concern

Based on changes in methane gas levels I'm a little more concerned about the trends in greenhouse gas. Perhaps the greatest concern is that the way our governance is structured, policy does not give a lot of credence to long term issues. No one wants to make the first move because they don't want to undermine their competitiveness. So we have the indifferent Chinese and Indians driving policy, because they want the right to pollute the Earth as much as the West. Sounds childish, but true. 'We didn't get a turn (to pollute)!' There is no convincing narrow thinking like that. People that feel compelled to compare themselves, and in the process deny the facts....at least as how I see them. :)

The reason I say that there is compelling evidence is because I have looked at a lot of evidence and it was never compelling. But I can't account for the rising CH4 concentrations in the atmosphere. Its a concern because we are extracting methane from coal seams in Australia and the USA big time. In Australia, the amoust of CH4 extracted from coal seams is rising exponentially. When you tap into these coal seams you are extracting the gas to burn. My concern is that you are creating a negative pressure around the drainage holes, but what about on the periphery of the field. My concern is that there might be methane leakage into the atmosphere. Remember this is not a perfect vacuum, there is porosity and permeability issues. I did some rock mechanics at university, and as an issue it has me concerned. But because there is money in the issue, I bet no one is even looking at the problem to measure the possible amounts of methane being emitted directly into the atmosphere. Maybe I'm wrong. I could be labelled a cynic. I'm just used to people arresting murderers rather than treating the parents 15 years earlier; recapitalising banks rather than allowing politicians to engage in crazy creation policies 10-15 years earlier. Nope, don't worry, everything will be fine. Bacteria can grow everywhere, even in a methane clogged atmosphere.
This is a concern because methane is 20x more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2, so any large increase in methane (CH4) is significant. Methane concentrations in the atmosphere are far smaller, but they account for 20% of the greenhouse effect.
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com

Friday, October 3, 2008

Our Environment - by George Carlin

This is a great video by George Carlin:

Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com

’Global Warming Misconceptions - View the table of contents!

Governments this year have ramped up their global warming propaganda, but in truth, just how certain is global warming. In the process of preparing a consulting report, we undertook some research and were startled by government policy. We will show that the propaganda being financed by government is shamelessly creating hysteria for the sake of political expediency.

Global Warming Misconceptions - Download the table of contents or buy this report at our online store for just $US9.95.